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Chronic Pain Patients Association

There are many of you out there just like me. I was a victim of sexual abuse as a child. I am still a victim of those thoughts and dreams. But, today I become a warrior, fighting for those of you who like me still suffer. I am challenged by a series of ailments, some of which, cause me to relive the trauma daily. I am a chronic pain patient whose pains replicate the abuse of the past. Complicated by the PTSD which accompanies the pain, I struggle every day to communicate a single thought without confusing, ambiguous references. If you struggle and are challenged by past sexual abuse or chronic pain please join me at the adult table. We are under assault by lawmakers who's only interest is their re-election. They give our issues only a feigning support. I need an army of warriors who like me suffer. I am Amber Parke. Please join me.


At the time I started this foundation my purpose was to create a place for pain patients searching for answers for similar problems. Sharing from my list of coping skills while hoping others would share also. With all our ( amazing care and love of my husband,  my good friend and care giver, and many great Dr.'s)  effort am beginning to see  results.


About two months ago I began to believe that I was on the short end of life. That the pain and emotional were simply too much. started to put my affairs in order. Now with renewed hope and progress I've decided to expand to include those who's emotional issues. My new frame work will be "BODY and SOUL" 


We are pain patients, victims, care givers, medical professionals, and advocates. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for those afflicted with chronic pain or emotional issues. 


We will create a team to lobby and advise law makers on their short sited rules and indifference. 


My name is Amber Parke. I founded this group because I am a chronic pain patient. I have several disorders with little hope of improvement. Together we can change the quality of life for all chronic pain patients. Please email me at with questions or comments.


If you have tips or tools that have helped you manage your pain please email me at . We will post those to our Tips and Tools page. 


The clock on the cover page ticks off the seconds of suffering we experience while this law remains. The politicians, lawyers, lobbyist, and bureaucrats have declared war on chronic pain patients. We have no choice but to fight.


To every soul who reaches out to help I pray you find comfort, love, and happiness.


                           Please help us fight. 

Adding Quality to the Life of Chronic Pain Patients

We are a not for profit association. 

Our only purpose is to better the life of Chronic Pain Patients.

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