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Amber Parke

I am a 56 year old mother of two. My pain problems started 20 years ago. It seem every couple of years some new pain developed. I now have been diagnosed with five separate conditions. I have migraines, fibromyalgia, eurythromelalgia, peripheral neuropathy, and now pelvic floor disorder.  


I have gone from a healthy, hardworking productive individual to some one that rarely leaves my couch. My pain is constant and debilitating. Now, with the new criteria for pain medication my life of managed pain  has turned into a life of constant suffering.


 I believe that the new opioid rules, described as necessary to fight addiction, have left millions of Americans with chronic pain without adequate care. I can only assume this was another failed attempt to help some without the forethought to ensure they are not hurting others. 


It is my goal to give a voice to those of us that were dismissed with prejudice. I am afraid that many of us with no hope of relief may turn to illegal  drugs or worse. Please help me make sure we are all heard.






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