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    While We Suffer

News broke today: Manafort Pleads Guilty. What the Hell! How can We the people be confident about any one in government doing any thing for us. After what the likes of Hillary did in Bengazi and with her server, and went free; we are spending valuable resources on what? Taxes, campaign fund violations, really. This is whats important? Taxes aren't important when its Reverend Sharpton, campaign fund violations aren't important when its Maxine Waters paying her daughter hundreds of thousands for campaign consulting.  While congress is babbling over collusion, ICE, and open borders, there are real people with real problems. We have had a young girl killed by an illegal alien, Hillary sold our uranium the Russians ( talk about collusion) and people like me sit on their couch in agony hoping beyond hope that some one will listen. 


Passing laws and setting regulations on Opioids just so congressmen and senators can go home and brag about the good things they have done. Making for good talking points while campaigning for another go on the gravy train. I've stepped in crap that smelled better than that. We have people dying and suffering because lawmakers don't want to make the hard 



Nothing changes. Bill Clinton didn't change after his interlude in the White House. He was photographed on a private island affectionately known by visitors as pedophile island. Nothing Will Change Unless We Take It to Them!




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