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Chronology of a Pain Patient

Written by Roger chronicling a day in Ambers life. I felt it necessary to log events so people can understand the truth behind the Opioid Laws.

August 1st, 2018


We learned today Ambers Fentanyl patches were not going to be filled.


The RX was for two patches. ( The lowest dose 12.5 mcg) The pharmacy said they don't split boxes.

I called the DR. and explained the situation. 

After the Dr.s conversation with the pharmacy he informed me that he can not write for more than a week.

Which by the is 2 patches .

After contacting several different pharmacies no one could give me the information over the phone.

I spent the rest of the afternoon driving around trying to find a pharmacy that would fill the RX. No luck.

So, today is Amber's third day without her patches. She has literally laid on the couch crying in pain all day. Added to her pain is the emotional side. No one can help. Plus her husband and I the caregiver are subject to the feeling of failure because we can't help either.


August 24, 2018


Just recently, I was discharged from one of my Dr.s . My pain is currently so great that most days I lie on my couch and cry. After three failed procedures, my care giver, trying to impress upon the Pelvic Pain Center at St. Josephs in Phoenix my situation, called  Dr. Castellanos' office about the need to be seen. After several minutes of pleading, he finished his conversation unresolved. About 4 hours later we recieved a call from the office stating that they felt threatened by my caregiver and were discharging me. This from a hospital that touts human kindness. Regretfully this hospital and there staff do not understand the difference between desperation and aggression. Maybe it's just their way of admitting failure.




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