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My Brain on Pain 

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My Brain is being Pained

I have been swept up in the news and the confirmation hearing. It’s so confounding, on the one hand the Democrats don’t believe that Hillary should be prosecuted for breaking the law, a fact, but Brett Kavanaugh is guilty by unsubstantiated allegation with no scene of the crime. #Ivehadit

Hillary lied to the mother of a fallen warrior over his casket. She was asleep and could not be reached while Americans she was responsible for died in Bengazi. The Clinton foundation raked in hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries while she awarded those countries with preferential treatment by the State Department. She funded a dossier of fake information about a political rival then used that dossier and a Democrat infused FBI and Justice Department to spy on, investigate and prosecute American citizens. #Ivehadit.

The Democrats feign outrage over an “unsubstantiated” allegations against Kavanaugh and Trump. On the other hand, when it comes to substantial allegations and proof of criminal wrong doing by the IRS(see Tea Party), DOJ(see Fast and Furious), FBI(see lying to the fisa court), Hillary Clinton(see Uranium 1 and misuse of classified information) , and others under in Obama administration it’s “move along nothing to see here”. #Ivehadit

I’ve had it with likes of Juan Williams and Hillary Harf. They always respond by either changing the topic or spewing statements from the Democrats list of approved talking points. Neither of them have much of an original outlook or opinion. #Ivehadit


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