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My Brain on Pain 

Please Leave your thoughts hopes and prayers. They give us inspiration to fight on.

My brain on pain 2

Now that the beginning is behind us, it is time for my personal disclaimers. I can guarantee what I write will perhaps make you mad. Please be kind. My view is just that, My View, no one elses. I have a small team here at home I call my Rockin R's. They help edit, take dictation (they hate that), and try to read my almost illegible hand writing and often wandering thoughts. My notes are usually not memos on a computer or a pad and pen that my husband faithfully pleads for me to use. They cover napkins, paper towels, envelopes, or any media I can find. Sometimes it is music, mostly it covers a whole bunch of things and thoughts that crowd my head. I am a natural red head and tell ppl they should know God gave it to me to warn other people to watch themselves and keep an eye out for when I am mad, it is never pretty. I say this with only a small smile and a lot of times I am sorrier than you can tell. I never fight pretty or cry pretty, but Arizona has angered the wrong woman. Please help us (my pack - a 3 party home of super Heroes) fight for understanding in those who govern our lives and put our brains in pain. I've tried everything from energy work to the " latest and greatest" technology. As I write we are placing a great deal of hope in the stem cell therapy I recently received. This is my most recent hope in a long list of treatments and medications I've tried. They are fighting for me from the inside. You will meet my doctors, treatments from therapies and innovations and the tips rolling in on so please keep providing your journeys and best and worse knowledge from Your View!!


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