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My Brain on Pain 

Please Leave your thoughts hopes and prayers. They give us inspiration to fight on.

My Brain on Pain

Historic events in our country are as diverse as events in my personal fights. Unlike many, I believe god has loaned me super heroes. Without them, I could not write these words.For them, I am grateful. Truly, there are no words in any language, no actions, no sounds that could adequately express the enormity of the love and gratitude that fill me.

The complexity of current ailments and PTSD that consume my life has been overwhelming. In response Randy and Roger have stepped up with strength and understanding to renew in my a sense of hope in the future. Today I am healing.

Hope, strength, loyalty, perseverance are all just words. However, when given action and support can move mountains. For a woman who no longer believed in miracles, I became one.

I was not alone and neither are you. Reach out. It may take time but you too have heroes waiting. Even if you no longer believe, do it anyway. I promise help is coming. Hold on even if you rope is made of air hold on. For 10 years I held on to air with hands that no longer worked. I held on because those that cared sometimes ask, sometimes demanded, sometimes grabbed me and held on for me.

Your fight may be overwhelming. You may feel alone. You may feel abandoned. But, hold on anyway. I promise you are not alone. Start right now. Utilize every resource. Do you own research. Find new doctors if need be. But Start right now.


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