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My Brain on Pain 

Please Leave your thoughts hopes and prayers. They give us inspiration to fight on.

Sorting my Thoughts

There are many of you out there just like me. I was a victim of sexual abuse as a child. I am still a victim of those thoughts and dreams. But, today I become a warrior, fighting for those of you who like me still suffer. I am challenged by a series of ailments, some of which, cause me to relive the trauma daily. I am a chronic pain patient whose pains replicate the abuse of the past. Complicated by the PTSD which accompanies the pain, I struggle every day to communicate a single thought without confusing, ambiguous references. If you struggle and are challenged by past sexual abuse or chronic pain please join me at the adult table. We are under assault by lawmakers who's only interest is their re-election. They give our issues only a feigning support. I need an army of warriors who like me suffer. I am Amber Parke. Please join me.


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