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In many ways its a story repeated every day in America. My grandmother Loran was in her early teens during the hard seemingly endless depression. Her parents were unable to care for her so she was hired out to a family as a maid and a nanny. In her words "it was here I was messed with by an old man". That early sexual abuse later led to a disassociation disorder. 


Hard truths in my childhood have haunted me my entire life. In an attempt to  unlock the mystery of why me, I learned of her story. Though letters and conversations with her, I became aware of the perpetual abuse suffered through generations of my family. I am happy that at 99 she has finally found peace, as it were her two husbands and a third friend of hers that abused her two daughters and in the end myself.


I've had a pelvic condition the last 9 months. That pain replicates the pain of sexual abuse. Emotionally and physically I was at the end. Two months ago I began to put my affairs in order. No stone was left unturned. As a result I have decided to open to both Body and Soul.

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